ENGLISH DIVISION - basic information

What is IFMSA about? 

If you are an English Division student on Poznan University of Medical Science and you are interested in working with IFMSA-Poland here’s some information:


IFMSA brings people together to exchange, discuss and initiate projects to create a healthier world. It gives its members the skills and resources to be health leaders. It advocates for pressing issues that matter to shape the world we want. And it does deliver: our projects, our campaigns and our activities positively impact the physicians-to be and the communities they serve. We create a global network that connects thousands of medical students. Our organization gives medical students the opportunities to go beyond the hospital walls, and lecture halls. We know that motivated, intelligent young people are determined to look beyond the doors of their medical school to see the world outside and try to make it better!


How to join us?

Full membership can be granted only after the membership fee payment is made. In order to join our team, you need to:

1.   Register on website:  https://poznan.ifmsa.pl/rejestracja

2.   Payment, 60 PLN, should be transferred to the following bank account

25 1050 1953 1000 0023 6789 8828
Recipient: Miedzynarodowe Stowarzyszenie Studentow Medycyny IFMSA-Poland

3.   Congratulations! You have joined IFMSA-Poland, don't forget to follow us on facebook and to join us on social gropus:

·       Instagram: ifmsapoznaned

·       Facebook Group: IFMSA-Poland Poznan English Division (FACEBOOK FANPAGE)

·       Members Only Facebook Group: IFMSA-Poland Poznan English Division Members (FACEBOOK GROUP)

·       Email: pums@poznan.ifmsa.pl 


How is the membership fee allocated:

a) Central Board (30PLN)

  • budget for National Coordinators
  • budget for Central Board
  • nation-wide activities

b) Branch Board (30PLN)

  • The funds are used for printing posters, certificates, leaflets and the purchase of flowers and other materials, as well as modernization of the IFMSA-Poznań main office. 



Spotkanie informacyjne IFMSA-Poland Oddział Poznań

20:00 - 22:00

Collegium Anatomicum, Sala Różyckiego (sala czarna)